Asana Clinic: Prana Led Practice

Asana Clinic: Prana Led Practice


Do you know you struggle with accessing a full, balanced (even succulent) breath during your yoga practice? Do you feel anxiety, or tension building within any of the shapes?

If so, this workshop is for you! I have built a gentle, panically led practice over the course of 20 years on the mat, and many apprenticeships with breath teachers, swamis and yoga instructors and have built a dynamic and fluid relationship to breath within asana that serves students to grow their results immensely.

Our prana is the subtle life force, the vibration within our breath that either makes it to our cells or doesn’t based on our learned breathing patterns.

Using specific breath patterns to “open” specific shapes, facial lines, and the emotional body is my specialty.

This Workshop will cover:

  • Different Breaths for Different Shapes

  • Going Beyond Ujjai Breathing

  • Why the Work is in the Transition / “State of the Asana”

  • Tracking within your own body

  • Feeling in place of fighting, freezing or fidgeting :)

  • Releasing Perfection

And, more…

Ps. This is a Micro-Workshop from our 200Hr YTT being shared with the public for the first time.

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